God’s Favor Danladi

My name is God’s Favor Danladi. My team and I worked on a project titled, “Indomitable Good Grades”.
This project is an Edu-Tech Freelancing platform, designed to make learning fun and education readily available to anyone with a smartphone or PC. We are also tasked with the mandate to eradicate unemployment amongst youths.
Did you know that with over 70% of the population in Nigeria being youths, 42% are under the age of 15, and 35% don’t get to further their education after primary school. Unfortunately, our educational system is bisected with myriad’s of problems also, the economy is taking a dive. As a result, the government sectors downsized on staffs rendering at least 15% unemployed. Thus, the need for immediate intervention from projects aimed at providing proper solutions is necessary. We visited schools for publicity, advertised this project via social media platforms, also, scout different companies and NGOs for funds.
We look forward to partnering with different organizations and parastatals, willing to buy into the idea and promote it globally. This project is designed to tackle the dying educational status of the country. It will also provide ways towards tackling the issue of unemployment, through job creations for unemployed and underemployed individuals.
This project is not only nationally oriented but globally focused.