Abraham Barde
Abraham Barde, FHEA, is a third year PhD student aiming at advancing the field of fabrication and characterization of sustainable compound semiconductors for optimal green energy generation, with a focus on the modification of a materials manufacturing method, aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition. Hence, he has designed and is developing a device for producing high-quality, optically functional thin films. His research interest revolves around emerging environmental energies engineering science although his current work primarily seeks to address a major bottleneck in solar-based molecular splitting of water for hydrogen fuel production.
Abraham is a recipient of two doctoral scholarships. After pursuing a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University, China, for one year (2020-21), he transitioned to a different PhD program in Nano and Functional Materials at the University of Manchester. He’s also a lecturer at the Air Force Institute of Technology from 2018 to 2021. Abraham holds a Master’s degree (with Distinction) from the Nigerian Defense Academy (2013-2016) and a Bachelor’s degree from Usmanu Danfodiyo University (2007-2010). He fondly referred to himself as a natural social psychologist.