Community Projects
Our ongoing projects are:

Impact of climate change on food security
School Related Gender Based Violence (SRGBV)
Implications on Health

How do physicians communicate with persons with hearing impairment?

Queens are Leaders (Chess for Girls)
Developmental projects are overwhelming in terms of resource allocation and implementation for desired goals. KELIC community projects are designed for mentees and stakeholders to work in schools, workplace/sites, healthcare facilities and online/physical communities to expand on SDG outreach to enhance health and quality of life in poor and vulnerable people and communities in manageable sizes. KELIC anticipate collaborations and funding for greater tasks and wider outreach.
Our strategy is provision of education to children and students with leadership potentials and developing potentials in others for leadership. KELIC focus on indigent children and provide and promote scholarship for those that would otherwise have no opportunity to access education that would qualify them for leadership in various local and global spheres. We know that it is important, in the 21st century, for community members to have basic knowledge of when, and from where diseases come and environmental conditions that trigger or exacerbate various ill health conditions, global changes especially that of the climate, and nutrition and food security.